As a student, you may ask yourself if it is really a good choice to spend your time volunteering. Most students who say “yes” find that there are both immediate and long-term benefits to serving. The advantages are so clear that most schools and universities promote and advertise opportunities for students to volunteer. If you are still uncertain as to whether to try it out, consider the potential benefits of volunteering.
Category: Migration news
Apply for Australian visa
Apply for Australian visa – how to make it right. 8 useful tips from industry insider for successful Australian visa applications: Give due credence to evidence; Check the consistency of your public records and social media posts; Nail that detail; Honesty is the best policy; Accuracy is another important policy; Be neat and orderly; Follow schedules, deadlines and instructions; Hire the services of a migration agency
Migration to Australia from India ☝️ with Nowak Migration
Migration to Australia from India ☝️ Australian government offers plenty of different categories and subclasses of Australian visa. For purposes of our discussion here, let’s just focus on four common and popular ones, namely visas for skilled workers ?? students, partners ? and parents ? ? If you happen to be any of the mentioned sectors, the future is bright for you in the land of opportunities.
Lawful immigration vs illegal entry
What’s a difference between lawful immigration vs illegal entry? Most countries have immigration laws to protect themselves from an influx of foreigners. These protection barriers usually serve to ensure that migrants that do enter a country lawfully have the potential to make an economic contribution to the country, instead of being a financial drain on the economy.
Australian visa rejection medical reasons
Australian visa rejection medical reasons
1. Protection of the Australian community from threats to public health and safety.
2. Protection of the Australian health care system from significant costs.
3. Protection of the Australian health care or community services that are in short supply
Permanent residency Australia ?
The ultimate goal of obtaining an Australian visa is to acquire permanent residency in Australia. Even if you are seeking a provisional residency now, we know that, in the future, you would lodge an application for a permanent one. Choosing between a permanent residency visa over a temporary type is a no-brainer: The former packs’ benefits and advantages that are a far cry from the latter.
Minimum salary for 457 visa 2018
The minimum salary for 457 visa holders 2017 is determined by a TSMIT threshold and a market salary rate. Check the article for more details.
Can RSMS visa be canceled?
Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) visa, more popularly known as RSMS visa, can be canceled, which may lead to your deportation or removal. Check this article to learn more.
Student visa working hours in Australia
Student visa working hours in Australia or how many hours can you work in a week? The Australian government gives you a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight when your course is in session, and unlimited hours when course is not in session.
What’s the difference between deportation and removal?
What’s the difference between deportation and removal? Simply speaking deportation needs court order, removal does not. In both scenarios you are forced to leave the country.